Our Animals
Our animals are the heart beat of our business. We take great pride in the standard of welfare we provide them – all of our young people are involved in their day-to-day care and enjoy learning about their diets, breeding programs and welfare.
Watch this space
We are actively looking for another animal friend to join the team.
Wiltshire Horned Sheep
We have a growing flock of Wiltshire Horn sheep. These brilliant sheep help to manage the land, keeping the grass short and are rotated to different areas of the holding. They are extremely friendly, gentle and inquisitive to see what is going on! We lamb our sheep each spring – an incredible experience!
We have 4 wonderful alpacas including: Hollie, and 3 Cria born on site – Columbia and Denali and Dinas. Our alpacas are inquisitive and friendly; Denali particularly enjoys having a fuss made of her!
We have a range of different types of chickens. The chickens are a great first introduction to livestock. They are all well handled and friendly. The breeds we keep include:- Pekin Bantams, Light Sussex, Legbar and Hybrid hens. We have found our bantams to be wonderfully therapeutic for our children – they can be very grounding and calming.
Pygmy Goats
We have four pygmy goats – Oreo, Cherry and two mischievous twins, Winter and Biscuit. The goats are cared for by our children by feeding them, grooming and checking on their overall health.
Our trusty chocolate Labrador. Hurley is 9 years old and loves being made a fuss of! Hurley is sometimes taken off site for walks with our children and young people, particularly those who find this activity good for their emotional health and well being.