King of the Castle

At Corfe Valley Outdoor Learning we love visiting different places in our local environment. This week we had a great time visiting Corfe Castle. We had a fabulous time exploring the the castle and learning about its somewhat mysterious and often gruesome 1000 year old history! After predicting how the castle met its demise – including pirates, decay over time and WWII –  we were fascinated to find out it was packed with gunpowder and blown apart by the parliamentarians!



Digging out the new Garden!

It’s been a busy few days here at Corfe Valley Outdoor Learning. We’ve had the diggers in clearing a space and turning over the soil, ready for additional growing space and raised beds. We are busy designing the new area and we can’t wait for those at Corfe Valley Outdoor Learning to make use of it!



Outstanding Owl Boxes:

At Corfe Valley Outdoor Learning, we love enhancing our local environment and promoting biodiversity. We enjoy constructing and placing various bird boxes around our site. We hear lots of owls at night here – so have recently built and sited a barn owl box in a tree in one of our fields in the hope a barn owl make it its home. We have seen barn owls nearby and discovered pellets inside already, so fingers crossed!




Newest Additions to the Team:

After just over 3 weeks of staring at the incubator, we now have six healthy Pekin Bantam chicks. Full of character already, we are all enjoying their company! We have named them (courtesy of our own children); Peanut, Delilah, Speckles, Sunlight, Flash and Gracie. We are handling them a lot each day and will eventually, once they are old enough, introduce them to our two wonderful chickens we currently have, Betty and Pebbles. We will post plenty of updates as they really are rather special!